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How To Block Gmail Notifications On iPhone

Learn how to block Gmail notifications on iPhone with our comprehensive guide. Gain more control over your device for a smoother user experi

June 16, 2023

If you've ever been the victim of a barrage of unwanted emails in your Gmail account, then you know how annoying it can be. 

It's like having an uninvited guest who won't leave no matter what you do! 

Thankfully, with a few simple steps, you can quickly and easily block any email addresses on your iPhone that are sending spam or other unwanted messages. 

It's like putting up an invisible forcefield around your inbox that will stop those pesky emails from getting through. Think of me as your trusty sidekick—I'm here to show you how to put this protective shield into place with my quick and easy guide on how to block Gmail on your iPhone. 

Let's get started!

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Method #1: Block Notifications in Settings

In today's fast-paced digital world, it's crucial to find ways to minimize distractions and stay focused. One of the major sources of interruption can be email notifications, including those from Gmail. Thankfully, there's a straightforward solution to regain control over your iPhone and block Gmail notifications.
To start: 

Step 1: Open Settings

Begin by tapping on the "Settings" app on your iPhone's home screen. It looks like a gear wheel and will take you to a new world full of options that can customize and manage notifications for all your favorite apps. 

From here, you can tailor what programs are allowed to send you alerts or block certain notifications altogether. 

Step 2: Find Notifications

Scroll down through the settings menu until you locate the option for "Notifications." Whether you want to be notified every time there's an email from work or just when it's something important, this section allows you to make sure your phone is set up exactly how you'd like it.

Step 3: Locate Gmail

Among the list of apps in the Notifications menu, search for "Gmail." This is where all the magic happens!  Once you find it, tap on it to access the notification settings specifically for the Gmail app.

Step 4: Disable Notifications

Finally, within the Gmail notification settings, you will see an option labeled "Allow Notifications." Toggle off the switch next to it to block Gmail notifications from appearing on your device.

You can also customize settings in this area and decide if you want your emails sent directly to your lock screen, have them sorted into different banners, change notification sound effects, and even choose which type of email accounts will appear in the list. 

From here, just make sure everything looks good before moving on to the next step! With these simple tweaks, users can now access newsletters and other emails easily without worrying about intrusive notifications at inappropriate times. 

Plus, with the ability to customize settings for each app individually - not just those related to Gmail - it provides individuals with more control over their devices than ever before.

Method #2: How to Block Notifications in the Gmail App

Let’s take it a step further by blocking notifications in the native Gmail app. Here’s how:

Step 1: Open Gmail App

Launch the Gmail app on your iPhone. You'll be taken to your Gmail inbox.

Step 2: Access Settings

Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner of the Gmail app. This will open the menu options.

Step 3: Go to Settings

Scroll down through the menu options until you find "Settings." Tap on it to access the Gmail settings.

Step 4: Select Your Account

Within the settings menu, you'll see the email addresses associated with your Gmail app. Tap on the account for which you want to modify the notification settings. And select Email Notifications.

Step 5: Select Email Notifications

Here you will have the option to select the level of notification and the notification sounds. Select “None”, if you want to block Gmail notifications. 

Method #3: Use App Restrictions

When it comes to controlling your Gmail experience, utilizing app restrictions can be an effective strategy. With the help of screen time and Content & Privacy Restrictions, you can tailor your iPhone's settings to limit access to certain apps, including Gmail. Here's how you can take advantage of app restrictions:

Step 1: Open Settings and Access Screen Time

Begin by opening the "Settings" app on your iPhone. Scroll down through the settings menu and select "Screen Time" to access the screen time management features.

Step 2: Tap on Screen Time

Within the Screen Time menu, you'll find various options to help you manage your device usage. Tap on "Screen Time" to proceed.

Step 3: Set the Passcode

Before you enable Content & Privacy Restrictions, you may set a passcode. Choose a secure passcode that only you know. This passcode will help prevent unauthorized changes to the restrictions.

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Step 4: Enable Restrictions

In the Screen Time settings, you'll see an option called "Content & Privacy Restrictions." Tap on it to enable these restrictions if they're not already enabled. This step ensures that you have control over which apps can be accessed on your device.

You may be prompted to enter your screen time passcode, so do so.

Step 4: Select Allowed Apps

Navigate to the "Allowed Apps" section, then enter your screen time passcode. 

Here, you can see a list of all the installed apps on your iPhone. Locate "Mail” ( especially when it is connected to your Gmail account)in the list and toggle off the switch next to it. This action will prevent access to the Mail app based on the restrictions you've set.

By utilizing app restrictions, you can regain control over your Gmail usage and ensure that it aligns with your productivity goals.

Method #4: Block Email Contacts

Sometimes, certain email contacts can become a persistent source of distraction, constantly interrupting your workflow. If you find yourself in such a situation, you have the power to block these contacts within the Gmail app on your iPhone. Follow these steps to block email contacts:

Step 1: Open Gmail App

Begin by launching the Gmail app on your iPhone. The app icon is typically represented by a red envelope with a colorful "M" on it.

Step 2: Locate the Email

Once you're in the Gmail app, find the email from the contact you want to block. You can either scroll through your inbox or use the search function to locate the specific email.

Step 3: Open the Email Options

Open the email and select the three dots in the upper left-hand corner to reveal a list of options.


Step 4: Choose Block

You'll find the choice to "Block [Sender's Name]." Tap on this option to proceed. Then the user is blocked. Above the email, you will see the confirmation message and the options to unblock the sender or to report spam.

By following these steps, you can effectively block email contacts that frequently disrupt your workflow, allowing you to maintain your focus and productivity.

Method #5: Spam Filtering

Did you know that 10 million spam and unwanted emails are blocked each minute using Gmail Google’s spam filtering AI tech? But some always seem to slip through the cracks. 

As we know, spam emails can be a significant source of distraction and clutter in your inbox. To combat this, Gmail provides a feature that allows you to add spam filtering to your account. By activating spam filtering, you can ensure that most unsolicited emails are automatically directed to the spam folder, reducing the chances of them interrupting your workflow. Here's how you can add spam filtering to your Gmail account on your iPhone:

Step 1: Open Gmail App

Begin by launching the Gmail app on your iPhone. Accessing the app will take you to your Gmail inbox.

Step 2: Locate the Email

Scroll through your inbox or use the search function to find the email from the sender you want to mark as spam.

Step 3: Open Email Options

Open the email and press on the three dots in the upper left corner beside the mail icon to reveal a list of options available for that email. 

Step 3: Select Report Spam

Select Report Spam. You will then see a prompt to “Report Spam & Unsubscribe” or just to “Report Spam” Tap on the option you want to mark the email and the sender as spam. Gmail will move the email to the spam folder and use the information to improve its spam filtering system.

How to Check Your Blocked List

Scanning through your blocked list is like taking a stroll down memory lane. You can manage lists of contacts you don't want to hear from, ensuring your email safety. It’s kind of weird though that we have to block people in the first place, but it's an unfortunate reality when it comes to online communication.

Checking who you've blocked is easy - just:

Step 1: Open Gmail App

Launch the Gmail app on your iPhone. You will be taken to your Gmail inbox.

Step 2: Access Settings

Tap on the three horizontal lines in the top-left corner of the Gmail app. This will open the menu options.

Step 3: Go to Settings

Scroll down through the menu options until you find "Settings." Tap on it to access the Gmail settings.

Step 4: Select Your Account

Within the settings menu, you'll see the email addresses associated with your Gmail app. Tap on the account for which you want to check the block list.

Step 5: Manage Blocked Addresses

In the account settings, scroll down until you find "Blocked Users." Tap on it to access the list of email addresses and contacts that you have blocked.

Step 6: View Blocked Contacts

Within the Blocked Addresses section, you will see a list of the email addresses or contacts that you have previously blocked. You can scroll through the list to see the blocked entries.

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Silence the Email Overload. Block Gmail Notifications with Opal
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Step 7: Unblock Contact

 If you want to unblock a contact, swipe left on their name and tap on the "Unblock" option that appears. Confirm your choice if prompted. This will remove the contact from your block list, allowing future communication from that sender.

Here's how to block Gmail with Opal:

With just a few simple steps, you can bid farewell to the constant temptation of checking your inbox and say hello to a more productive you:

1. Download Opal from the App Store and sync the Chrome extension;

2. Create an App Group to block specific apps, like Gmail;

3. Start a session.

Yes, it's that easy! But what if you want to block an app that's not on Opal's default block list? Fear not! Opal makes it effortless to add any app to your block list. Here's how.

Say hello to focusing on better things.


Blocking Gmail notifications not only enhances your productivity but also improves your overall well-being. Constant interruptions can cause stress, disrupt your train of thought, and hinder your ability to concentrate. By taking control of your notifications, you reduce the mental clutter and create a sense of calm that allows you to be more present and in control of your workday.

So, go ahead and implement these steps on how to block Gmail notifications on your iPhone. Experience the liberation of a focused and distraction-free work environment, where your attention is directed solely toward the tasks that drive your success. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if a Gmail address has been blocked?

If you want to know if a Gmail address has been blocked, then email tracking and filtering are two great tools to use. Email tracking allows you to see when an email was opened, and how many times it was opened. This way, you can tell if the recipient has seen your message or not. On the other hand, email filtering lets you set rules for which emails are allowed in your inbox and which ones should be blocked automatically. For example, if you have a rule that blocks messages from certain people or companies, then their emails will never show up in your inbox - meaning they've been blocked! With these two effective tools at your disposal, it's easy to figure out whether or not someone's Gmail address has been blocked.

What happens if I block a Gmail address?

I'm sure we can all relate to the frustration of receiving unwanted emails. We've tried blocking the sender, but what are the consequences? When you block a Gmail address, it will no longer be able to send emails to your account. You'll no longer have to receive those annoying messages clogging up your inbox and taking up precious time out of your day. Of course, depending on how determined the sender is, they could create a new email address altogether and try to contact you again. Blocking an email address can give you some peace of mind knowing that their attempts will be futile.

Is there a way to block an entire domain from sending me emails?

If you're receiving too many emails from an entire domain and want to prevent the influx of messages, there's a way to do just that. By setting up email rules or domain filtering on your iPhone, you can easily block all incoming emails from an entire domain. All you have to do is go into your settings and set up the rule or filter. It's quite simple and takes only a few minutes to set up. And with that, no more unwanted emails!

Is there a way to block emails from certain countries?

I've been getting a lot of spam emails from certain countries lately and I'm looking for a way to filter them out. Luckily, there are various techniques I can use to block emails from certain countries. For example, I can use spam filtering and email encryption tools to help prevent unwanted messages from reaching my inbox. Additionally, if I want to be extra careful, I can even create an email address specifically for blocking untrusted sources so that it doesn't interfere with my regular communications. With all these options at my disposal, I'm sure that blocking emails from certain countries shouldn't be too difficult!

Is there a way to limit the amount of emails I receive from a certain sender?

If you're receiving too many emails from a certain sender, there is an easy solution. You can manually filter your emails so that you only get the important ones. Email filtering allows you to create rules for incoming messages, such as blocking the sender or automatically deleting the message. It's quick and easy to set up; all you have to do is go into your settings and adjust the permissions accordingly. And if you ever need to change these settings again, it's just as simple. So don't let unwanted emails clog up your inbox; take control with manual filtering!

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