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How to Block Google Chrome on iPhone

Explore how to block Google Chrome on iPhone with our practical guide. Regain control over your device's browsing capabilities today!

June 15, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, where the digital realm reigns supreme, it's all too easy to lose ourselves in the vast ocean of online distractions. We've become accustomed to the constant hum of notifications, the addictive allure of social media, and the endless rabbit holes of information on Google Chrome. 

But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle and reclaim control over your digital life?

Imagine a life where your focus is unwavering, your productivity soars to new heights, and your privacy and security remain intact. Picture yourself embracing a healthier, more balanced relationship with technology, where the digital landscape becomes a tool for growth and self-improvement rather than a bottomless pit of wasted time.

In this guide, we unveil the secrets of how to block Google Chrome on iPhone—an empowering journey that will revolutionize the way you navigate the digital world. Get ready to unleash your potential, reignite your passions, and step into a new chapter of digital mastery.

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Why Should You Block Google Chrome?

Here are a few reasons why you should block Google Chrome on iPhone

Benefit #1: Regain Focus and Boost Productivity

Did you know that the average person spends around 4 hours per day on their mobile devices? Blocking Google Chrome can help you minimize distractions and reclaim your productivity. Imagine the freedom of not being constantly tempted by the vast expanse of the internet. By eliminating the urge to open Chrome, you can maintain a laser-like focus on your tasks, projects, and goals, ultimately leading to increased productivity and a greater sense of accomplishment.

Benefit #2: Protect Your Privacy and Security

Privacy is a growing concern in the digital age. By blocking Google Chrome, you add an extra layer of protection to your personal information. Chrome tracks your browsing habits, collects data, and can even store your passwords. By severing the ties with this browser, you can safeguard your privacy and reduce the risk of your sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. Take control of your digital footprint and create a safer online environment for yourself.

Benefit #3: Cultivate a Healthy Digital Lifestyle

Excessive screen time has been linked to a range of negative effects on physical and mental health. By blocking Google Chrome, you can take a significant step towards cultivating a healthier relationship with technology. Reduce eye strain, improve sleep quality, and embrace a more balanced lifestyle by intentionally disconnecting from the endless scroll of the web. Embrace offline activities, engage in meaningful human connections, and rediscover the joys of the physical world.

Now let's look into the step-by-step process to block Google Chrome on your iPhone:

Method 1: Disabling Google Chrome's Access

Step 1: Open Settings on your iPhone.

To begin the process of blocking Google Chrome, locate and tap the "Settings" app on your iPhone's home screen.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on "Screen Time."

Within the Settings menu, scroll down and tap on "Screen Time." This option allows you to set restrictions and manage usage on your iPhone.

Step 3: Tap on "App Limits."

On the Screen Time settings page, tap on "App Limits" to access the app restriction options.

Step 4: Tap on "Add Limit" or an existing limit.

If you haven't set up any app limits before, tap on "Add Limit." Otherwise, select an existing limit that includes Google Chrome.

Step 5: Select "All Apps & Categories."

Under the "Choose Apps" section, tap on "All Apps & Categories" to include all installed apps, including Google Chrome. You can also choose Chrome only, which can be found in the Utilities Section.

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Step 6: Adjust the time limit.

Set the desired time limit for Google Chrome or choose "1 Minute" for an instant block. You can select "Customize Days" to set specific limits for different days of the week.

Step 7: Tap on "Add" or "Done."

Once you've set the time limit, tap on "Add" or "Done" to save the restriction.

Method 2: Using Content & Privacy Restrictions

Step 1: Open Settings on your iPhone.

Open the Settings app on your iPhone's home screen.

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on "Screen Time."

Within the Settings menu, scroll down and tap on "Screen Time."

Step 3: Tap on "Content & Privacy Restrictions."

On the Screen Time settings page, tap on "Content & Privacy Restrictions" to access more granular control over your device.

Step 4: Enable Content & Privacy Restrictions.

If you haven't enabled Content & Privacy Restrictions before, tap on "Content & Privacy Restrictions" and toggle the switch to turn them on. Enter a passcode if prompted.

Step 5: Tap on "iTunes & App Store Purchases."

Select “iTunes & App Store Purchases”. In this section, you can block app downloads and in-app purchases. Then select “Installing Apps”.

Step 6: Select “Don’t Allow”

Once this is selected, apps can not be downloaded on the phone. 

Step 7: Exit the settings.

Tap on the back arrow or "Screen Time" at the top left corner of the screen to exit the settings.

Method 3: App Deletion

Step 1: Press and Hold

To initiate the app deletion process, locate the Google Chrome app icon on your iPhone's home screen and press and hold it. Hold your finger on the icon until the app icons on the screen start to wiggle.

Step 2: Tap the X

As the app icons begin to wiggle, you will notice an "x" button appearing on the top-left corner of the Google Chrome app icon. Tap on this "x" button to proceed with the deletion process.

Step 3: Confirm and Delete

A confirmation prompt will appear on your screen, asking you to confirm the deletion of the Google Chrome app. Select the "Delete" option to confirm the deletion. The Google Chrome app will be removed from your iPhone, effectively blocking its access.

 Method 4: Restrict Background Data Usage

Step 1: Open Settings

From your iPhone's home screen, locate and launch the "Settings" app. This app is represented by a gear icon.

Step 2: Tap on “Mobile Data

Within the Settings menu, scroll down until you find the "Mobile Data" (or "Cellular") option. Tap on it to access the mobile data settings.

Step 3: Find “Google Chrome”

In the list of apps that have access to mobile data, locate "Google Chrome" and toggle off its switch. By disabling Google Chrome's access to mobile data, you prevent the app from using data in the background, effectively blocking its functionality.

Method 5: Disable Notifications

Step 1: Go to the "Settings" 

Locate the "Settings" app on your iPhone's home screen and tap on it to open the app.

Step 2: Tap on Notifications

Within the Settings menu, scroll down until you find the "Notifications" option. Tap on it to access the notification settings.

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Step 3:  Locate Google Chrome and Toggle Off Notifications

Scroll through the list of apps that have notification settings and find "Google Chrome." Tap on it to enter its notification settings. Disable notifications for Google Chrome by toggling off the switch next to it. This will prevent the app from sending you any notifications, helping to minimize distractions and block its alerts.

How to Block Google Chrome With Opal

Introducing Opal, the ultimate solution to block Google Chrome effortlessly. Follow these simple steps to regain control of your digital life:

  1. Get Opal: Begin by downloading Opal from the App Store and syncing the Chrome extension seamlessly.
  2. Customize App Group: Create a personalized App Group within Opal to target specific utility apps, including Google Chrome, that you wish to block.
  3. Activate Your Session: Start your session with Opal, and witness the magic unfold.

It's truly that simple! And the best part is if you ever need to block an app that isn't on Opal's default block list, fear not! Opal provides an intuitive interface that allows you to effortlessly add any app you desire to the block list.


Blocking Google Chrome on your iPhone can be a transformative step towards reclaiming control over your digital life. By regaining focus, boosting productivity, protecting your privacy and security, and cultivating a healthier digital lifestyle, you can unlock a world of possibilities. 

Whether you choose to disable Chrome's access, use content and privacy restrictions, or delete the app altogether, these methods provide you with the power to shape your digital experience and create a more intentional and balanced relationship with technology. 

Embrace the freedom to explore new passions, connect with others on a deeper level, and rediscover the joy of the physical world beyond the confines of a screen. Take the first step today and embark on a journey toward digital mastery.


1. How Do I Disable Google Chrome on My iPhone?

To disable Google Chrome on your iPhone, you can either use content and privacy restrictions or delete the app. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide to choose the method that suits your needs.

2. How Do I Permanently Block Chrome? 

Permanently blocking Chrome on your iPhone involves deleting the app. By removing it from your device, you ensure that you no longer have access to its functionalities. Refer to the guide for the detailed steps on app deletion.

3. How Do You Block Chrome on Your Phone?

To block Chrome on your iPhone, you can use methods such as disabling its access, implementing content and privacy restrictions, or deleting the app. Each method is explained in detail in this guide, allowing you to choose the approach that best fits your requirements.

4. How Do I Block Websites on My iPhone? 

Blocking websites on your iPhone can be done by using built-in restrictions or parental control settings. You can set up restrictions to prevent access to specific websites or use third-party apps designed for website blocking. Explore your iPhone's settings or search for dedicated apps to implement website blocking effectively.

5. What Happens if You Disable Chrome on Your Phone? 

Disabling Chrome on your phone prevents you from opening the app and accessing its features. It helps minimize distractions, protect your privacy, and encourage a healthier digital lifestyle. However, other web browsers or apps on your phone will still be available for browsing.

6. How Do I Uninstall Chrome From Apple? 

To uninstall Chrome from an Apple device, such as an iPhone, locate the app on your home screen, press and hold its icon until the apps start to wiggle, then tap the "x" button on the top-left corner of the Chrome icon. Confirm the deletion by selecting "Delete" in the prompt that appears. This removes Chrome from your device and blocks its access.

Remember, blocking Google Chrome on your iPhone is a personal choice that empowers you to regain control over your digital habits. Choose the method that aligns with your goals and aspirations, and embrace the possibilities of a more intentional and fulfilling digital experience.

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