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3 Tips for Staying Productive in Lockdown

Here are a few tips on how to stay on-task in this day and age.

January 25, 2021

What can be non-distracting when there isn’t much to do in the outside world? How can we stay focused and productive when the devices we use to communicate, and work are the very same ones that distract us? Here are a few tips on how to stay on-task in this day and age:

Maintain Your Productivity In Lockdown
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Set Smaller Goals

This is not to say that you shouldn't dream big! But, breaking down your goals into more manageable ones can help them feel less daunting. While a goal like “get in shape” may seem impossible, something like “run 2 miles every other morning” feels achievable. Because a smaller goal can be achieved in less time, you have less reason to say “I don't have time to do this now!”

Plan Your Days Intentionally

Especially when in lockdown, it’s crucial to time-block your days to stay productive. When each day feels the same, you may start to lose any motivation, so it is important to mix up the tasks you must do as much as possible.

Blocking off time in your calendar to complete tasks will also help you to mentally visualize how much time you have and what you need to complete each day—become more productive by setting aside this time each day. At the end of the day, also aim to plan out the next day so you can go to sleep aware of what needs to be accomplished tomorrow.

Take Breaks

You're most productive when you give yourself breaks (like to go on walks, spend time with loved ones, etc.). You subconsciously savor these breaks as rewards for completing tasks and staying focused, which helps you feel less burnt out at the end of a long day.

Be mindful of what activities you want to be doing while on a break, though, as not all will leave you equally refreshed and ready to go back to work.

Scrolling on social media, while fun, will often leave you annoyed when you have to go back to focusing. Folding laundry or making coffee, however, have natural ends at which point it makes sense to go back to work.

Your phone can simultaneously be your biggest productivity tool and distractor. Turning off notifications from non-essential apps can help remove some of these distractions. We also recommend using Opal to block these apps at specific times of the day, like during work or right after waking up or before going to bed.

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